PADEP’s Land Recycling Program (Act 2)
The PADEP’s Land Recycling Program (aka Act 2) provides remediators with an option to manage impacts to soils and/or groundwater on-site provided it can be demonstrated that the proposed remedial action is protective of human health and the environment. Any properties planning this remedial approach are meeting the “Site-Specific Standard” and have to document those intentions in a Cleanup Plan. The Cleanup Plan describes the investigations/findings for the Site and documenting the planned remedial action.
Pursuant to Act 2 requirements, a Public Involvement Process (PIP) can be requested for all projects which seek to meet the Site Specific Standard. If a PIP is requested by the public or local municipality, the Site owner shall provide the opportunity to review the findings and proposed remedial action presented in the Cleanup Plan. All comments received during the PIP will be provided to the PADEP & incorporated into an amendment of the report submission.